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About - Registration - Schedule - Keynote Speakers - Keynote Abstracts - Accepted Contributions - Important Dates - Call for Papers

2024-09-18: Registration for the workshop is now open. Please register and join us!


Machine Learning models for molecules and materials are essential drivers in drug discovery, materials design, environmental science, and precision medicine. With these models, experts are enabled to meaningfully interact with molecular systems and to design them. The interaction with molecular systems allows for deeper insights into typically complex systems and facilitate (enable) the development of new drugs, personalized medical treatments, and innovative materials - e.g., advanced fuel cells in the field of energy conversion and storage or materials for environmental remediation in the field of environmental science. Recently, large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various domains in machine learning, revolutionizing natural language processing tasks and showing notable capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. LLMs have also had a profound impact on molecular machine learning because they allow for human-AI interaction, interpretability, zero- and few-shot adaption, and in-context learning. However, the application of LLM architectures to molecular data presents significant challenges. Therefore, this workshop focuses on exploring potentials of ML methods with broader capabilities like LLMs incorporate them. We welcome all work which might provide potential steps towards these broader capabilities, e.g., by tackling the areas of knowledge and interaction, adaptability and robustness, abstraction and reasoning, or efficiency.

Join us at our workshop at which experts from diverse fields, ranging from ML and LLMs to molecular sciences, will collaborate to explore new potentials of ML methods for molecules and materials in the era of LLMs.


The workshop will be open to everyone without a registration fee. You can register here!


Fri, Dec 6th, 09:00 am - 6:00 pm, CET; venue: Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin; online at Zoom

CET Event Speakers Title
  1. Session    
09:00 Opening remarks ML4Mol Chair  
09:00 Invited Talk Tim Duignan  
09:30 Invited Talk Gábor Csányi  
10:00 Contributed talk    
10:15 Contributed talk    
10:30 Contributed talk    
10:45 Contributed talk    
11:00 Poster Session 1 (PS 1) Poster discussion  
12:00 Break    
  2. Session    
13:00 Invited talk Cecilia Clementi  
13:30 Invited talk Daniel Probst  
14:00 Invited talk Igor Tetko  
14:30 Contributed talk    
14:45 Contributed talk    
15:00 Break    
  3. Session    
15:30 Invited talk Jutta Rogal  
16:00 Invited talk Jian Tang  
16:30 Poster Session 2 (PS 2) Poster discussion  
17:00 Retreat of ELLIS fellows    
18:00 End & Closing remarks    

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Abstracts


Accepted contributions (oral)


Accepted contributions (poster)


Important dates

Call for papers

We are calling for papers exploring machine learning for molecules and materials in the era of LLMs. Topics include (but not limited to):

Please submit your contributions on OpenReview until November 1 2024 11:59 PM UTC-0. The submissions should be in PDF and follow the NeurIPS template with a maximum of 5 pages (not including references and appendices). We also welcome extended abstract submissions (2 pages). Please anonymize your paper since the review process is dual-anonymous.

Note that workshop papers often represent the current status of on-going projects. They should not be considered as final versions of record for a particular project. The workshop is non-archival.

Organizing Committee and Contact

Chairs: Johannes Margraf, Francesca Grisoni, Günter Klambauer

Organizing committee: Alaa Bessadok, Sovhi Luukkonen, Johannes Schimunek, Karsten Reuter, Giulia Glorani, Francesca Grisoni, Johannes Margraf, Günter Klambauer
